Jul 13, 2021

It’s a good day to be out and about on the island. You put on your best outfit of the day, your makeup, style your hair, etc. 

However, after doing all that, your hair just starts to frizz for no good reason, leaving you with a mane that’s almost impossible to manage. In the meantime, your only solution is to tie them up so that you won’t be bothered with your frizzy hair while you’re out.

That said, many environmental factors can lead to frizzy hair. Among them are every Singaporean’s enemy which is humidity, the sun, pollution, heat, use of products that contain sulphates or alcohol, overly touching your hair, routine use of hair ties, and chlorine.

While certain factors such as the use of chemical products and hair ties can be controlled, you can’t control environmental factors that contribute to frizzy hair. This remains a never-ending quest for many Singaporeans.

If you’re among the many who want to better manage your frizzy hair, we’re here to help with our various salon treatments. Before that, let’s dive deeper into how your lifestyle can contribute to frizzy hair.


Most Singaporeans can relate to having frizzy hair due to the island’s environment. While the majority of the population wasn’t born with silky hair, an average person is generally born with hair that seems to have a mind of its own that refuses to be tamed. Some are fortunate enough to be born with silky, gorgeous hair, but it all boils down to how the hair is managed and taken care of.

You see, frizzy hair typically feels dry, dull, and brittle. When the hair is dry, the cuticle tries to absorb the surrounding moisture to make up for the loss of moisture. Hence, causing your hair to swell and frizz. Here’s how your lifestyle can contribute to frizzy hair.


Every Singaporean knows the importance of applying sunscreen to prevent skin damage. Similarly, the hair is also prone to sun damage, especially from UV rays. When your hair is exposed to the sun for long periods, the sun rays may act like bleach, removing your hair colour while damaging the cuticles. More so if you have light-coloured hair or finer strands of hair.

If you want to spend time under the sun, make sure you either cover your hair with a scarf, wear a wide-brimmed hat or use an umbrella to minimise the exposure. That way, you can protect your hair from harmful UV rays.


There are times when you need to use hot styling tools such as the blow dryer, straightener, or curler to style your hair. However, these tools emit heat that can damage the hair’s cuticles under prolonged use. If you use the straightener or curler when your hair is still wet, you’re frying your manes, causing your hair strands to break and frizz over time.

Instead of letting these tools be the cause of your hair frizz, make sure to apply some heat protectant before using any of the hot styling tools. You can also use these tools on low heat to prevent damaging your hair.


For some people, touching their hair is almost like a habit. While this may seem harmless, it’s detrimental to your hair. In fact, this habit is known as the hands in hair syndrome. Excessive hair touching can be extremely hard to stop and can lead to Trichotillomania – a hair-pulling disorder.

There are ways to stop touching your hair such as pulling your hair back and away from your face, occupying your hands with fidget toys or other items, changing your environment, moisturising your hands often, and seeking help from others.


Singaporeans are no strangers to various hair trends. More so, during the festive season such as Chinese New Year where many people tend to dye their hair red. It’s trendy but hair dyes are known to contain chemicals that react between the pigments in your hair and the dye to give you the hair colour you desire.

Over treating your hair with these chemicals will cause it to lose its lustre, break easily, and in some cases, wash away with water. The only solution to prevent further hair damage, which eventually leads to frizzy hair, is to chop them off.

These are just some of the lifestyle factors that can cause frizzy hair. Moving forward, we’ll discuss our range of hair treatments to better manage your frizzy hair.


There are several types of frizzy hair treatment available at Kimage. Among them are the Hydrating Hair Treatment, Keratin Treatment, Anti-Frizz Treatment, Soft Rebonding, and Kerastase Treatment.


Designed to tame hair frizz without causing the hair to be flat, this hair treatment involves the binding of keratin to your frizzy hair for shiny, silky, and frizz-free locks. Our hairdressers will use a flat iron to straighten your hair with a specially formulated chemical mixture. This treatment can last for 3 months with the use of our post-Keratin treatment hair shampoo and conditioner.


If your hair becomes frizzy due to certain conditions, our Anti-Frizz treatment can tame hair frizz to give you smooth-looking hair. This treatment typically lasts for about 2 to 3 months depending on how you care for your hair at home.


Taming frizzy hair is a continuous process for some people. If you want a hair treatment that gives you permanent results, our Soft Rebonding treatment is for you. This treatment allows our hairdressers to straighten the hair while maintaining some of the volume so that your hair doesn’t appear too flat.


When your dry hair is exposed to extreme humidity, it causes your hair to be frizzy. You can try our Kerastase Oleo Relax Treatment to tame your dry, frizzy hair.


At Kimage, our hairstylists are trained to give you the best services and quality hair treatment. For a better evaluation of your frizzy hair, it’s best to book a treatment session with us. That way, our hairstylists can first assess your hair’s condition and advise you on the best hair treatment.

Kimage Salon is a highly reputable name in Singapore with a reliable presence and many loyal returning clients. With 10 locations around Singapore, we remain convenient and accessible for many people to meet their hair needs. We also have a hairdressing school that is certified by the Singapore Committee for Private Education with the EduTrust certificate to ensure that our staff are constantly updated with the latest trends and skills.

Kimage Salon specialises in expressing every customer’s unique individuality with their hair and hopes to be hair professionals that anyone can turn to. If you are looking for a mid-range hair salon that ensures excellent quality service and cuts without breaking your budget, book your next hair appointment with us by calling (65) 6883 2700 or email

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